CS:APP3e 北美版扫描优化版


This file combines the color covers as well as references and index pages from the 35MB PDF file, the front matter (preface) PDF pages from CS:APP website, and main text from the book’s adaptation in China.

Uploader’s note

A few tools were used to implement the tricks to resemble the original book. Here are the steps:

  • Extracting, renaming and reorganizing raw scanned image files.
  • Find the margins by inspecting and cropping the preface PDF.
  • Cut out the content, put it in a frame with the margins and other image processing using ComicEnhancerPro available from the aforementioned links to align the pages, in an attempt to smoothen the reading experience when switching between pages of different sources.
  • Make bookmarks of the covers and body text with bookcontents.dat using PdgCntEditor.
  • Combine and perform OCR of the processed front and back cover, the main text, references and index images using Pdg2Pic (no English version available).
  • Insert front matter PDF pages between the covers and the body text.
  • Edit the bookmarks of the combined PDF file with PdgCntEditor.
A brief description of making this copy

源文件来自[ADDED book download] Notes on making an ebook copy,感谢制作上传者@adwong,另附zlib链接,为方便下载使用微云转存一份


Note on the Global Edition: Unfortunately, the publisher arranged for the generation of a different set of practice and homework problems in the global edition. The person doing this didn’t do a very good job, and so these problems and their solutions have many errors. We have not created an errata for this edition.



  1. 避免因翻译带来的双重错误
  2. 更准确的专业术语
  3. 闲的






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